Clear Acne Naturally: 5 Habits for Healthier Skin


Let’s be real—dealing with acne is like having an uninvited guest who just doesn’t get the hint to leave. You’ve tried every cleanser, cream, and treatment under the sun, yet here it is, stubborn as ever. But here's the thing: clear skin isn’t about quick fixes or the latest trending product. It’s about building habits that align with your skin’s unique needs and sticking with them like you would with your morning coffee ritual.

As someone who’s been in the skincare game for years (and yes, I’ve seen it all), I’m here to tell you that the journey to clear skin is a marathon, not a sprint. You wouldn’t expect to run a marathon without training, right? The same goes for your skin. Consistency is key, and it’s those everyday habits that pave the way for lasting results.

In this blog post, I’m sharing the top five habits I tell all my acne clients to adopt if they want to see real, long-term success. These aren’t just tips—they’re game-changers. Let’s dive in, and trust me, your skin will thank you later.

Habit 1: Start a Consistent Homecare Regimen Designed by Your Esthetician

Picture this: you're finally on your journey to clear skin, and everything’s going smoothly—until life throws a curveball. You skip a few steps in your skincare routine, maybe miss a day or two, and suddenly, your skin’s not playing nice anymore. Sound familiar? That’s because, just like anything meaningful in life, consistency is the secret sauce.

When I craft a homecare regimen for my clients, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. This isn’t just about slapping on whatever’s trending or what your friend swears by. It’s about trusting the universe (and your esthetician) to guide you toward what your skin truly needs. A curated regimen, designed specifically for you by a professional, takes into account your unique skin type, your acne triggers, and even your lifestyle. This is your personal roadmap to clear skin, and it’s been meticulously planned with care.

Now, I get it—there are days when sticking to a routine feels like a chore, especially when you’re not seeing instant results. But here’s the truth: the magic happens with consistency. Trust the process, and stick to your regimen as often as your esthetician recommends. There might be moments when you feel like it’s not working, and you’re tempted to ditch it for something else, but hold steady. Remember, clear skin isn’t just about today; it’s about setting yourself up for success in the long run. So, stay the course, and let’s give your skin the time it needs to thrive.

Habit 2: Drink Half Your Weight in Ounces of Water Daily

We’ve all heard the advice to drink more water, but when it comes to acne, hydration is more than just a wellness buzzword—it’s a game-changer. Think of your skin as a garden. Without enough water, even the most vibrant plants will start to wilt. Your skin is no different. Proper hydration helps flush out toxins, maintain elasticity, and keep your skin looking plump and radiant.

But let’s be real—getting enough water each day can feel like a challenge, especially when life gets busy. That’s why I tell my clients to aim for half their body weight in ounces of water daily. It’s a simple formula: if you weigh 150 pounds, that’s 75 ounces of water. Now, let’s break that down—75 ounces is about 9-10 standard 8-ounce glasses of water. Not so daunting when you think of it that way, right?

The benefits of staying hydrated are endless. Not only does it help reduce breakouts by keeping your pores clear, but it also supports your body’s natural detoxification processes. And here’s a little trick: keep a chic, reusable water bottle by your side at all times. Make it part of your daily routine, just like your skincare. Sip throughout the day, and before you know it, you’ll hit your hydration goals without even thinking about it.

Hydration is one of those simple yet powerful habits that, when done consistently, can make a world of difference in your skin. So, bottoms up, and let’s toast to clear, glowing skin from the inside out.

Habit 3: Schedule Monthly Treatments Based on Your Esthetician’s Recommendations

There’s something magical about stepping into the treatment room, knowing you’re about to give your skin the attention it deserves. Monthly treatments aren’t just a luxury—they’re a necessity, especially when you’re on a mission to clear acne. Think of them as a reset button for your skin, a way to deep clean, exfoliate, and treat those stubborn areas that your homecare routine just can’t reach.

When I recommend monthly treatments to my clients, it’s not just because I want to see their lovely faces more often (though that’s a bonus!). It’s because these treatments play an essential role in maintaining the progress we’ve made together. Whether it’s a facial, a chemical peel, or a gentle microdermabrasion session, these treatments are curated to your skin’s current needs and are designed to keep you moving forward on your clear skin journey.

But here’s the thing—consistency is key. Just like you wouldn’t skip your regular hair appointments, you shouldn’t miss your monthly skin treatments. They’re part of a bigger plan, crafted specifically for you, to ensure your skin is getting exactly what it needs when it needs it.

I know life gets busy, and it’s tempting to push these appointments to the back burner, but trust me, your goals of clearing acne and keeping it at bay require making appointments a priority. These sessions not only keep your skin in check but also give us the chance to reassess and adjust your regimen as needed, ensuring we’re always one step ahead of any potential flare-ups.

So, mark your calendar, set those reminders, and let’s make sure your skin stays on track. After all, this is about investing in yourself and giving your skin the best chance to thrive.

Habit 4: Work on Finding the Root Cause of Your Acne for Long-Term Results

Acne can be a bit of a mystery—one minute your skin is behaving, and the next, you’re dealing with a breakout that seems to come out of nowhere. But here’s the deal: acne isn’t just skin deep. To truly get ahead of it, we have to dig a little deeper and uncover what’s really going on beneath the surface.

Finding the root cause of your acne is like being a detective, piecing together clues to solve the puzzle. Is it hormonal? Could it be linked to stress? Maybe your diet or certain foods are playing a role? The truth is, there’s often more than one factor at play, and getting to the bottom of it takes a bit of patience and a willingness to explore all possibilities.

This is where the long-term magic happens. When we start to understand what’s triggering your breakouts, we can address those underlying issues directly, rather than just treating the symptoms. It’s about looking beyond the obvious and taking a holistic approach to your skin’s health.

I encourage my clients to keep a skin journal—yes, I know it sounds like extra homework, but it can be a game-changer. Track your diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, and skincare routine. Over time, patterns start to emerge, and we can connect the dots to see what might be contributing to those pesky breakouts.

Remember, this isn’t about finding a quick fix; it’s about setting yourself up for clear skin that lasts. When we take the time to understand your skin from the inside out, we’re not just treating acne—we’re transforming your skin’s health for the long haul. So let’s get curious, dig deep, and uncover the secrets to your clearest skin yet.

To dive even deeper into understanding your skin's triggers, check out these blog posts:

Habit 5: Switch Your Makeup to Non-Comedogenic Beauty Products

Let’s talk makeup. We all love a good glam moment, but when it comes to acne-prone skin, not all makeup is created equal. In fact, some of those go-to products might be doing more harm than good. If you’re serious about clearing your skin, it’s time to take a closer look at what you’re putting on your face every day.

Non-comedogenic beauty products are your skin’s best friend. The term might sound fancy, but it simply means these products are formulated to avoid clogging your pores—an essential factor when you’re trying to keep breakouts at bay. Switching to non-comedogenic makeup allows your skin to breathe, reducing the likelihood of new blemishes appearing.

To determine if a product is non-comedogenic, start by checking the label—many products will state this clearly. If it’s not listed, look at the ingredients. Avoid products with heavy oils like coconut oil or ingredients known to clog pores, such as isopropyl myristate or lanolin. Instead, opt for formulations with lighter oils like jojoba or sunflower oil and ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which hydrate without clogging pores.

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. At Enlightened Beauty, we’ve carefully selected non-comedogenic products known for their performance and skin-friendly formulations. Whether you need a foundation that won’t clog your pores or a setting powder that keeps your complexion clear, we’re here to guide you. We’re always happy to recommend products that will support your journey to clearer skin.

Choosing the right makeup can help your skin maintain its balance and clarity. Let’s clear out that makeup bag and make room for products that genuinely care for your skin.

Final Thoughts: 5 Essential Habits for Clear Skin Success

Achieving clear, glowing skin isn’t about a single miracle product or a quick fix. It’s about creating and sticking to habits that support your skin’s health in the long run. By following these five essential habits—starting a consistent homecare regimen, staying hydrated, scheduling regular treatments, finding the root cause of your acne, and switching to non-comedogenic makeup—you’re setting your skin up for success.

Remember, skincare is a journey, not a destination. There might be moments when you feel impatient or doubt the process, but trust in the work you’re putting in and the guidance of your esthetician. Consistency and commitment are your best allies in this journey.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your skincare routine or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. At Enlightened Beauty, we’re here to support you every step of the way, offering the expertise and products to help your skin thrive.


stay radiant,

— Morgan